Sunday, 22 May 2016

Raspberry pi 3 + Angel Sensor : Hello Temperature, Heart Rate, Steps Count !


The code is stored at a public repo at GitHub.

1. Get a clone of the repository
  $ git clone

2. Change your current directory
    $ cd py-angel-sensor

3. Install the required libraries  on your raspberry pi 3 :
  $ sudo apt-get install pip
  $ sudo pip install requirements

4. Press the Angel Sensor button to start the sensor for 2 secs.

5. Press the Angel Sensor button to start the HR measurements for 10 secs.

6.  Run the code
  $ ./ -a '<angel sensor mac address >' -T (for temperature) -H (for heart rate) -S (for steps count)
  e.g. :  ./ -a '00:07:80:02:F3:8C' -H -S
After the last step, you should start to see at your terminal the following measurements :

Expected outcome of the script

Monday, 2 May 2016

Charging the Angel Sensor M1

In brief 

The new Angel Sensor M1 is developed exclusively for developers. Compared to the previous Angel Sensor device, it seems to me this one to be simplified in terms of user interface. In fact, it has a button that can be used by the end-user , some lights and vibration.

As an user, I am a little bit confused every time that I try to re-charge it, therefore I decided to create here the instructions


1. Connect the Angel Sensor to your USB 
2. Press its button for more that 10 seconds until you feel the vibration and the lights to be turned on
3. Done ! 

Raspberry pi 3 + Angel Sensor : Hello temperature !

In brief

The trend of open data i.e. data to be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish until recently was not obvious in the IoT wearable industry. Consumable wearable industry quite often enables restrictions and limits even when it comes to the use of your own health related data (e.g. see Withigs Terms of Use - 7. Duration - Termination - Free of charge).

Another alternative could be the usage of wearable devices that allow you to get your personal health data directly from the device i.e via Bluetooth.

Infrastructure and the Angel Sensor 

The Angel Sensor is a wearable designed to allow direct access via Bluetooth. In short, the AGL-M1 model has sensors to measure the temperature, the heart rate, the acceleration, and the blood oxygen saturation (under development) .

In this tutorial, we will try get the temperature measurements by using a raspberry pi 3 running Raspbian Jessie Lite.
The raspberry pi 3 and the Angel Sensor M1


The code is stored at a public repo at GitHub.

1. Get a clone of the repository
  $ git clone

2. Change your current directory
    $ cd py-angel-sensor

3. Install the required libraries  on your raspberry pi 3 :
  $ sudo apt-get install pip
  $ sudo pip install requirements

4. Press the Angel Sensor button to start the Sensor.

5.  Run the code
  $ ./ -a '<angel sensor mac address >'
  e.g. :  ./ -a '00:07:80:02:F3:8C'

After the last step, you should start to see at your terminal the temperature in Celsius :

Expected outcome of the script